Hi all,

I am trying out ICE restart scenario on Firefox and here is the description

- User A calls User B(both users are on same machine)
- Machine switches to new wlan(say wlan0 to wlan1)
- ICE connection state transitions to 'disconnected' for both users
- User A triggers renegotiation with ICE restart. Only TCP ICE candidates are 
gathered and call fails eventually

If the ICE restart is triggered without network interface switch, then Firefox 
gathers UDP ICE candidates as well and the call works fine.

The issue can be easily reproduced with WebRTC sample - 

Tested on 
 - Firefox 67.0.1 (64-bit) on Open Suse Leap 42.3 - Fails
 - Firefox 67.0.2 (64-bit) on Windows 10 - Fails
 - Chrome 74.0.3729.169 (64-bit) - Works

Can anyone confirm if this is issue from Firefox or if there is something wrong 
with my scenario!

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