I'm facing an intermittent (we could say it happens 50% of the time) issue 
where Firefox running inside an Ubuntu Docker container (more info below) 
doesn't play back an incoming WebRTC audio stream, and the only hint I got (so 
far) is this error message which I *think* comes from Firefox:

    [2020-02-28T03:39:02Z ERROR audioipc_server::server] Unexpected message 
Err(Custom { kind: BrokenPipe, error: "broken pipe" }) during data_callback

When this problem happens, the HTML <video> element that plays the remote 
WebRTC stream does not update its `currentTime` property 
 or does so up to e.g. 0.3 seconds (for a video of between 5 to 6 seconds 
length). Meanwhile, the RTCPeerConnection `inbound-rtp` stats show the expected 
amount of `packetsReceived`, i.e. 50 packets per second. So it is definitely a 
problem on local playback of the audio.

When this problem does not happen, the <video> element does indeed update its 
`currentTime` property up to 5.0 or 5.5 seconds.

Now here's the fun part: IF FFmpeg is running in the background recording audio 
from PulseAudio, then this error *never* occurs, and Firefox plays back the 
WebRTC audio stream 100% of the times, with the `video.currentTime` property 
reaching the expected time. This makes me think that there is some bad 
interaction between the Firefox audio implementation (which is exclusively 
based on PulseAudio since Firefox 53), and the PulseAudio server itself.

I know nothing about how PulseAudio works, but the "ipc" in the error message 
tells me that Firefox connect to the PulseAudio server through I guess a Unix 
socket, and the "broken pipe" part tells me that this socket connection is 
somehow dropped. However, I've run PulseAudio with maximum log level, and it 
didn't show anything that smells like a warning or error that could be related 
to this issue.

I would be very grateful for tips or pointers about where to look next; this is 
a very in-depth issue that probably needs collaboration with Firefox media devs.

==== About the environment ====

This is part of an automated CI system that tests WebRTC implementation of 
Firefox and Chrome, by using dockerized installations of the browsers. In this 
case, we have Firefox running inside an Ubuntu Docker container (tested Ubuntu 
16.04 and 18.04), which also runs an X server, x11vnc, and other tools; 
Selenoid binary (https://aerokube.com/selenoid/latest/) for controlling the 
browser, and optionally FFmpeg to record the whole session and "see" what 
happened during the test execution.

The Docker entrypoint (what runs as main process inside the container) starts 
up like this:

1. Runs Xvfb with Selenoid: /usr/bin/xvfb-run [...] /usr/local/bin/selenoid 
2. Runs Fluxbox as the Window Manager.
3. Runs PulseAudio, currently with this command:

   pulseaudio --daemonize \
     --log-target=file:/home/ubuntu/pulseaudio.log \

4. Optionally, runs FFmpeg in dummy capture mode:

   ffmpeg \
     -nostdin \
     -f alsa -ar 44100 -ac 2 \
     -i pulse \
     -f null null.out \
     >/dev/null 2>&1 &

A Java application runs on the host machine, and runs Docker commands to 
start/stop and control containers. It starts a web server, a WebRTC 
application, and inside the container, Firefox is instructed to open a test web 
page, in this case in "recvonly" mode.

The Java host application is able to retrieve the RTCPeerConnection stats from 
the dockerized browser, and also is able to get the `video.currentTime` 
property from the HTML page. This way, it know whether the browser is actually 
receiving packets AND playing back the video. Packets arrive as expected, but 
then if the optional FFmpeg command is running the video plays back fine, but 
if FFmpeg is not running, the video doesn't play. Funny thing is, we cannot 
actually record the screen and "see" it playing back, as the mere act of 
recording interferes with this issue. It's a Heisenbug.

Browser logs are not obtained directly, but generated by the Selenoid 
execution. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but the end result is that 
Selenoid generates a log file with all debug output from GeckoDriver, 
Marionette, and WebDriver.

I would love to know how to tell Selenoid to run Firefox with environment 
variables `MOZ_LOG` and maybe `MOZ_LOG_FILE`, which afaik. are the ones to use 
in order to raise the log level of some internal parts of Firefox. But so far I 
haven't been able to, and that's a question for the Selenoid user group, not 
here (but if you know how to do that please let me know! :-)

If you got to this point, thanks for reading! You are a Champion :-)

Kind regards,
Juan Navarro - Maintainer & developer of Kurento Media Server

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