On Friday, September 14, 2012 2:57:24 PM UTC-7, Justin Lebar wrote:
> I propose here that reviewers and super-reviewers should require that
> new code be appropriately commented, just as we require that new code
> be appropriately formatted.  (We seem to be quite good at enforcing
> the latter, even though I hope we can agree that comments are, at a
> minimum, as important as formatting.  Maybe we should put something
> about commenting in the style guide.  :)
> "Appropriately commented" is obviously up to individual
> interpretation.  But I think at a minimum, interfaces and classes
> defined in header files should be preceded by a sentence or two
> explaining their purpose and perhaps how they interact with other
> pieces of code.  Additionally, I'd say that methods and arguments in
> an API (in a .idl, .ipdl, .h, or .js file) should be documented to an
> extent which would allow a programmer of average skill (for Mozilla)
> to correctly use the API without reading the implementation.  That may
> mean that none of the methods on a particular API get any comments,
> which is totally fine by me.

I also recommend asking for good comments in reviews. 

I started asking for comments in certain JS patches a while back. I've been 
doing more of it lately. And I think the experience is pretty good. In 
particular I remember a case where I said 'put a comment explaining how this 
works', the patch author added the comment, and about 2 weeks later a 
contributor wrote a patch and happened to say in the bug 'and there was this 
nice big comment that explained everything and made this much easier' 
(paraphrasing). Another benefit is that the effort of writing good comments 
gets you to think through the ideas clearly, and if they can't be expressed 
clearly, maybe the code needs revision too.

I learned my commenting style from Code Complete. I don't remember exactly what 
the book said, but my target commenting style is something like:

 - making the *purpose* of code clear is the most important thing--it's the one 
thing you really can't express in code
 - anything that's obvious (from context, convention, conveniently located 
assertion) is *not* commented
 - it costs something to have comments, so it's always a judgment 
call--sometimes if it's only sort of obvious you still don't comment
 - we also have a domain-specific practice of documenting code with the section 
of the JS spec that it implements, where applicable

 - 'modules', 'components', and other major pieces get an explanatory overview 
comment saying what it's for, how it works, overviews of major cross-cutting 
invariants and data structures. Example: js/src/vm/Stack.h
 - classes, structs, and other things that represent key concepts or 
abstractions get a comment about what the key abstraction is and what it's for.
 - functions, methods, and other function/command things get a comment saying 
what it does, what it's for, and how to use it correctly (meaning of arguments, 
postconditions, preconditions, invariants, temporal constraints, etc)
 - non-obvious tricks in the code get an explanation

But it's probably better to just read the chapter in Code Complete and adapt it 
to our various needs.

API documentation is a harder to write. In general, it's just a ton of work to 
maintain good API documentation, and so you have to commit to doing it right 
and keeping it up. I would lean toward avoiding redundant effort, so that if 
something has API docs (like the JSAPI) then the in-code comments can be 
leaner. It would be very cool if we could generate API docs automatically from 
special comments in the code, but I doubt we could get the same quality of API 
docs we have now with existing tools, so we'd have to invent something. If you 
really care about having good API docs, I don't think the (significant) effort 
of maintaining separate API docs manually is excessive.

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