On 11/13/12 5:22 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:

Let me try to be more clear.  Assuming that the assertion that the bug
in question is not caused by the PGO compiler miscompiling, turning off
PGO in order to move on would be the wrong thing to do.  If it's only
affecting a single test, then that test should be disabled.  Now, we
don't know whether that assumption is correct or not, as far as I can
tell from reading the bug.

I think we're cross-talking about different things. :)

I'm replying in the context of the broad issue raised in the beginning of this thread, and (I think) you're talking about bug 799295 in the specific context it being a tracked issue for FF18.

If someone has the time to investigate the bug to get it off the tracking list and buy a bit more time for a PGO-or-not decision, fine. I'm not too concerned about what we do for this specific bug. I'm more interested in helping akeybl get to a final decision on the disabling of PGO (or not). That's an issue independent of whatever is done with 799295, other that that bug being an immediate forcing function.

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