1. Can we call XPCOM in js-ctype code?

2. What about this code in DeviceStorage implementation?

<http://dxr.mozilla.org/search.cgi?tree=mozilla-central&string=target>  =do_GetService  
 have stream transport service");

<http://dxr.mozilla.org/search.cgi?tree=mozilla-central&string=event>  =new  InitCursorEvent  
   target  <http://dxr.mozilla.org/search.cgi?tree=mozilla-central&string=target>->Dispatch(  

I notice that there are assertions on both /NS_IsMainThread()/ and /!NS_IsMainThread()/. Seems like it really starts a backstage thread in DeviceStorage implementation. Is this true?/


Best regards,
??(Ray You)

On 12/20/12 7:35 PM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:
On 12/20/12 7:27 AM, Ray You wrote:
How can we start a real thread in gecko using javascript and use XPCOM
in it?

Is dispatching events to /nsIStreamTransportService/ or
/nsIThreadManager.newThread(0) /the right way?
I don't think this is supported anymore. As far as I can tell, if you
truly need to call XPCOM from JS in a background thread, you need to do
the following:
- write extern "C" code that calls into XPCOM;
- launch a Chrome Worker from JS;
- link JS to your C shared lib through js-ctypes;
- call your C code from JS through js-ctypes.


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