Gecko (not specs) has a concept of writable [Replaceable] attributes.  It uses 
them for these properties:


In our implementation, a writable [Replaceable] property lives on the 
[[Prototype]] and has getter/setter-ish semantics associated with it, although 
(bug) you can't use Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor to tell, as they use the 
old bindings code.  Getting such a property gets a value.  Setting it creates a 
shadowing property on window itself, using the exact value passed in.

  // Current Gecko
  alert(typeof window.screenX); // number
  window.screenX = "123";
  alert(typeof window.screenX); // string, not number

I'm making some changes near the code that implements this.  These are very 
desirable changes, but they make it complicated to preserve these bizarre 

The easiest change is to get rid of writable [Replaceable] entirely, and make 
all these accessor-y properties: getting them gets whatever, setting them 
invokes the setter, getting them again gets whatever value the setter coerced 
it to.  

  // Proposed Gecko
  alert(typeof window.screenX); // number
  window.screenX = "123";
  alert(typeof window.screenX); // number (setter coerces string->number, or 
the setter silently did nothing)

This is compatible with IE9 (standards or quirks mode -- and not in IE9 compat 
mode, and it seems not in older IE modes; I don't have IE10 to test) and Opera 
behaviors.  IE9 puts the accessor on Window.prototype, and Opera puts it on 
window, but there's no visible difference in behavior for getting or setting.

But there's still a supposed compatibility bugaboo to changing, because sites 
might have relied on the old behavior (notwithstanding that browsers are all 
over the map here), and other browsers aren't quite the same.

WebKit gives the old behavior, but only for some of the listed properties -- it 
doesn't for status or name.  (And it provides writable-[Replaceable] behavior 
for other properties beyond these: 
 definitely.  It might also for 
window.event/length/self/window/frames/opener/parent/top, but there's some 
extra complexity to these, so I'm unsure how they look.)

Anyway.  I think the compatibility bugaboo is just that -- we have no hard 
evidence of dependence on our current bizarre semantics, and we have 
other-implementation evidence that the proposed behavior is web-shippable.  
Thus I think we clearly should switch as proposed, aligning us with IE going 
forward and with Opera, and with the specs as well.  Thoughts?


P.S. -- The SunSpider test that used an undeclared "name" variable no longer 
does in SunSpider 1.0, so concerns about particularly are 
unfounded.  (Not to mention SunSpider is increasingly obsolete as a benchmark, 
and all the JS engines are doing their best to kill/ignore it.)
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