
Kyle Huey wrote:
>> 2. Because NSS reads and writes to files in the profile directory,
>> the profile directory must be readable and writable up until process
>> exit. The current rules for XPCOM shutdown say that services must
>> stop doing disk I/O well before then; we would need to change the
>> rules. It is safe to do so?
> This is almost certainly incompatible with the perf team's plans to
> shutdown via exit(0).

My understanding is that the perf team wants to prevent things from writing 
during shutdown so that they become confident that it is safe to shut down 

But, AFAICT, it is OK to do I/O during shutdown as long as you don't care 
whether you get interrupted or not.

Now, one question is whether it is safe to let an exit(0) on the main thread 
interrupt an NSS database write that happens off the main thread. That's 
something I will look into.

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