Hi Benjamin, Dave,

for mobile (and fxos) we're looking into doing sparse localizations of toolkit. The work on the mobile side is bug 792077. The current attempt is to leave the 'global' and other toolkit packages untranslated, and use chrome overrides to supply a few localized files, as needed by fx-android or -os.

That's all kinda nice and shiny, but it horribly breaks getSelectedLocale(package), as that returns 'en-US' for 'global' and friends. Breaks all kinds of url reporters and rtl detection.

Next step is to figure out if there's an acceptable way to make this work still. I had three ways in my head: - make the chrome urls/channels fall back to en-US and really have sparse toolkit localizations. This sounds really intrusive, and probably hard. - make all call-sites of getSelectedLocale work around that, which I don't think is feasible. - add a prefbranch that gives "package overrides" or so, so that the chrome reg would return the selected locale for the override package instead of the one it's getting asked for, something like
pref("chrome.locale.override.global", "browser");


I personally favor the third option. Does that sound feasible to you?

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