On Monday, February 25, 2013 4:27:24 AM UTC+1, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> > I guess the reason I'm suddenly having this problem is 
> > https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=809652
> Seems pretty unlikely.

Yes, I misanalyzed this. It appears that the root cause of the problem was that 
my content scripts (which run in a sandbox) stopped being able to request 
chrome:// URLs in FF19. I therefore changed to resource:// URLs. Apparently 
DOMWindowCreated doesn't fire for a resource:// URL in a browser with type == 
"chrome", so this is indeed not a FF19 change. This led me to use type == 
"content" (in retrospect a bad idea) and inject my own XHR implementation.

Changing back to chrome:// URLs solves all of this (including eliminating the 
need to muck with the XHR implementation in the background page) except the 
original problem of accessing them via XHR in the sandbox. But using the system 
principal in the sandbox appears to fix this (thanks Brian!).

Hopefully I'm all good now with respect to FF19. Thanks for the help.

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