On 2/25/13 12:36 PM, matt...@salsitasoft.com wrote:
As discussed in https://groups.google.com/d/topic/mozilla.dev.platform/E4MG_hTv6Zw/discussion, 
I am not getting the DOMWindowCreated message when I use a <browser> element with type 
set to "chrome"

Depending on what you're doing, you could just be seeing the about:blank inner window reused.

Ideally I would use my own protocol handler to load the document, but I haven't 
had any success due to the aforementioned problem with DOMWindowCreated. I 
tried setting the protocolFlags to URI_DANGEROUS_TO_LOAD but that doesn't help.

I'm not clear on why the protocol handler would depend on DOMWindowCreated....

2) Barring that, can I change the baseURI of the document when DOMWindowCreated 
is fired (i.e. before the scripts are loaded)? In that case I would load the 
document from the chrome:// URL but change the baseURI to use my own protocol.

You can set your channel's originalURI to whatever you want (which may not match where the data is loaded from, which is the URI), right?


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