Hi all,

Over the past year we've increased our dependencies on Moz2D (formerly known 
under the codename Azure), our new 2D rendering API. Currently we're using it 
for canvas drawing on all platforms and content drawing on Windows where using 
Direct2D, and in the near future we will be moving to using it for content on 
all platforms.

>From the very beginning of Moz2D development we've taken care to make sure it 
>can be built outside of the rest of Gecko, having only dependencies on several 
>MFBT headers. This was done to reduce the barrier for external usage and 
>development, we've since seen this benefit us for example in Servo using Moz2D 
>as well. In addition to that it has helped development and bugfixing by having 
>a much faster workflow for building/testing with which bugs could be located 
>and fixes created.

Going forward we're expanding on that by ensuring the stand-alone builds and 
works on all platforms and becomes the defacto way of the 'first level' of 
testing when implementing new features or fixing bugs in Moz2D. In addition to 
that we're expanding on our existing stand-alone unittesting suite as well as 
adding a peformance testing suite, which will include microbenchmarking and 
support measuring performance on Moz2D drawing recordings (single-page 
recording support has just landed on mozilla-inbound).

When moving forward we have several goals for Moz2D when it comes to the 

- Improve Moz2D development workflow by having faster turnaround time on builds 
and tests (both local and Try)
- Lower the barrier for external contributors, some people have already 
expressed the desire to work on potential backends we do not wish to invest in 
ourselves, but have been deterred by the complexity of the checkout/building 
- Improve sharing between Servo/Gecko.
- Reduce load on our infrastructure by building and testing only Moz2D 
stand-alone when a change affects only Moz2D, both on regular builds and try.

As the next step in moving towards these goals and optimally supporting them 
the proposal is to move Moz2D into its own repository. We would use hg subrepos 
for this purpose, you can read more about this here 
(http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Subrepository). The intention is that this 
will be done in such a way that the workflow for developers not involved in 
Moz2D development would essentially not change.

A more detailed description of the proposal and the workflows involved can be 
found here (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/GFX/Moz2DSubrepository) for those 
interested in the details. Since we believe if we go through with this it would 
be the first time we use a true subrepository system for a component used in 
mozilla-central, we'd very much appreciate any thoughts or feedback people 
might have on the idea.

Best regards,
dev-platform mailing list

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