On 2013-04-03 7:44 PM, Joshua Cranmer 🐧 wrote:
On 4/3/2013 5:36 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
On Wednesday 2013-04-03 17:31 -0400, Kartikaya Gupta wrote:
1. Take the latest green m-c change, commit your patch(es) on top of
it, and push it to try.
2. If your try push is green, flag it for eventual merge to m-c and
you're done.
3. If your try push is not green, update your patch(es) and go back
to step 1.
This seems like it would lead to a substantial increase in
build/test load -- one that I suspect we don't currently have the
hardware to support. This is because it would require a full
build/test run for every push, which we avoid today because many
builds and tests get merged on inbound when things are behind. (I
also don't feel like we need a full build/test run for every push,
so it feels like unnecessary use of resources to me.)
Continuing in the vein of people posting ideas for "use less
infrastructure", an idea I had is this:
Instead of running {mochitest-*,reftest,crashtest,xpcshell,marionette}
on every single desktop platform on every inbound checkin, run them
round-robin. A given push would trigger mochitest on Linux, reftest on
mac, and then the next test would run reftest on Linux and mochitest on
Mac. Each push would still end up running the full testsuite (modulo
some tests that are only run on some platforms) on some platform, and we
would be using fewer test resources to achieve that coverage. If most
actual test bustage is not platform-specific, this would give us
generally sufficiently good coverage for most checkins. I am not
qualified to say, however, if this is the case.
Wouldn't this make the current problems caused by coalescing test runs
even worse? This will make it much harder to deal with bustage: when
mochitest-1 on Linux goes orange, nobody knows what broke it because the
last time it ran was N pushes ago, N being a much larger number than it
is today as a result of coalescing.
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