On 4/26/2013 11:26 AM, Kyle Huey wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Gregory Szorc <g...@mozilla.com
> <mailto:g...@mozilla.com>> wrote:
>     I'd like to start a discussion about the state of storage in Gecko.
>     Currently when you are writing a feature that needs to store data, you
>     have roughly 3 choices:
>     1) Preferences
>     2) SQLite
>     3) Manual file I/O
>     Preferences are arguably the easiest. However, they have a number of
>     setbacks:
>     a) Poor durability guarantees. See bugs 864537 and 849947 for
>     real-life
>     issues. tl;dr writes get dropped!
>     b) Integers limited to 32 bit (JS dates overflow b/c milliseconds
>     since
>     Unix epoch).
>     c) I/O is synchronous.
>     d) The whole method for saving them to disk is kind of weird.
>     e) The API is awkward. See Preferences.jsm for what I'd consider a
>     better API.
>     f) Doesn't scale for non-trivial data sets.
>     g) Clutters about:config (all preferences aren't config options).
>     We have SQLite. You want durability: it's your answer. However, it too
>     has setbacks:
>     a) It eats I/O operations for breakfast. Multiple threads. Lots of
>     overhead compared to prefs. (But hard to lose data.)
>     b) By default it's not configured for optimal performance (you need to
>     enable the WAL, muck around with other PRAGMA).
>     c) Poor schemas can lead to poor performance.
>     d) It's often overkill.
>     e) Storage API has many footguns (use Sqlite.jsm to protect yourself).
>     f) Lots of effort to do right. Auditing code for 3rd party extensions
>     using SQLite, many of them aren't doing it right.
>     And if one of those pre-built solutions doesn't offer what you
>     need, you
>     can roll your own with file I/O. But that also has setbacks:
>     a) You need to roll your own. (How often do I flush? Do I use many
>     small
>     files or fewer large files? Different considerations for mobile (slow
>     I/O) vs desktop?)
>     b) You need to roll your own. (Listing it twice because it's *really*
>     annoying, especially for casual developers that just want to implement
>     features - think add-on developers.)
>     c) Easy to do wrong (excessive flushing/fsyncing, too many I/O
>     operations, inefficient appends, poor choices for mobile, etc).
>     d) Wheel reinvention. Atomic operations/transactions. Data
>     marshaling. etc.
>     I believe there is a massive gap between the
>     easy-but-not-ready-for-prime-time preferences and
> the-massive-hammer-solving-the-problem-you-don't-have-and-introducing-many-new-ones
>     SQLite. Because this gap is full of unknowns, I'm arguing that
>     developers tend to avoid it and use one of the extremes instead. And,
>     the result is features that have poor durability and/or poor
>     performance. Not good. What's worse is many developers (including
>     myself) are ignorant of many of these pitfalls. Yes, we have code
>     review
>     for core features. But code review isn't perfect and add-ons likely
>     aren't subjected to the same level of scrutiny. The end result is the
>     same: Firefox isn't as awesome as it could be.
>     I think there is an opportunity for Gecko to step in and provide a
>     storage subsystem that is easy to use, somewhere between
>     preferences and
>     SQLite in terms of durability and performance, and "just works." I
>     don't
>     think it matters how it is implemented under the hood. If this were to
>     be built on top of SQLite, I think that would be fine. But, please
>     don't
>     make consumers worry about things like SQL, schema design, and PRAGMA
>     statements. So, maybe I'm advocating a generic key-value store. Maybe
>     something like DOM Storage? Maybe SQLite 4 (which is emphasizing
>     key-value storage and speed)? Just... something. Please.
>     Anyway, I just wanted to see if others have thought about this. Do
>     others feel it is a concern? If so, can we formulate a plan to address
>     it? Who would own this?
>     Gregory
> Have you explored using IndexedDB?

Not seriously. The "this is an experimental technology" warning on MDN
is off-putting.

Is IndexedDB ready for use by internal Gecko consumers, including
add-ons? Can you use it from the main thread (for cases where a
dedicated worker is too heavy weight)? What are current risks associated
with this "experimental technology?"

Aside from those concerns, I reckon IndexedDB could fill the gap I
described. I want to learn more.
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