On 5/6/13 7:27 AM, Benoit Jacob wrote:
I guess I don't see the usefulness of allowing to apply style to individual
parts of an equation

Styling parts of an equation with different colors can be _extremely_ useful for readability. It's rarely done in print, of course, and I assume there are various reasons ranging from "it's more expensive" to "no one does that" for why. But on the web it seems like a no-brainer.

Styling parts of an equation with different font styles is of course all over the place; there are lots of TeX packages that will let you do things like \mathfrak, for example. Of course fraktur in particular got stuck into Unicode...

There are some interesting use cases I can think of for scripted visibility styling in educational materials.

Regarding editing, if I understand correctly, you have WYSIWYG or other
kinds of fancy editing in mind, where understanding of the syntax tree
inside of the equation is needed; I haven't seen a need for WYSIWYG editing
of math

I think this goes back to roc's point about current TeX workflows being ok for specialists (maybe; I have in fact wished for a good wysiwyg editor for TeX on many an occasion, but was always stymied by the need for custom macros for my documents), but most people _do_ in fact want wysiwyg editing. It's not "fancy" for most people but a baseline requirement. So any system for math on the web needs to have support for that requirement...

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