On 6/13/13 11:56 PM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
Bug 875060 made me wonder whether we should disable XUL 'display' values on
the Web, perhaps starting with -moz-stack and -moz-inline-stack. They do
very little that can't be done with absolute positioning. Perhaps we would
leave XUL 'display' values enabled for pages where remote XUL has been
whitelisted. What do people think?

I think it's a great idea, just like I did a week ago when I filed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=879275 ;)

I was more worried about -moz-box, since people are more likely to (ab)use it, but you're right that the compat issues are likely to be less with the stack display types.

The point about allowing them if remote XUL was whitelisted is a good one, though; we probably should do that....

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