On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 4:46 AM, Mike Hommey <m...@glandium.org> wrote:

> Note that STL is another story. We're not using libstdc++ that comes
> with the compiler on android and b2g. We use STLport instead, and STLport
> has, afaik, no support for C++11 STL types. So, while we can now fix
> nsAutoPtr to use move semantics instead of copy semantics, we can't use
> std::unique_ptr.

I saw bug 896100 [1] wants to add mozilla::Move and mozilla::Forward.
Obviously, that is a clear improvement that we can build on.

But, shouldn't we just name these std::move and std::forward and use these
implementations only when we're using STLPort? I know we're not supposed to
add stuff to the std:: namespace normally, but that's exactly what STLPort
is doing.

And, more to the point, shouldn't we just add std::unique_ptr to STLPort
for Android so we can use std::unique_ptr everywhere? And/or just backport
the libstdc++ version to GCC 4.4. Isn't it all just templates?


[1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=896100
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