On 07/31/2013 01:25 AM, Brian Smith wrote:
> Anyway, it would be easier to swallow the dependency on MFBT if it wasn't
> so large (over 100 files now), if it tried to be (just) a polyfill for
> missing standard library features, and if it could easily be used
> independently of the Gecko build system. But, none of those constraints is
> reasonable to place on MFBT, so that means MFBT isn't a good choice for
> most things that need to also be able to be built independently of Gecko.

I disagree about independently-usable being an unreasonable constraint -- it 
seems totally reasonable for it to be a mini-embeddable thing, or something.  
But making it exactly that, without some of the hacks we have now for things 
like header-installation, etc., requires 1) time, 2) build-fu, and 3) 
understanding of the requirements of small little embeddable things, and I lack 
all these.

On 07/31/2013 03:34 AM, Mike Hommey wrote:
> I am of the opinion that anything that is not a header file under MFBT
> should be moved into mozglue. The end result would be the same (MFBT is
> actually built into mozglue, except for js standalone builds, for which
> this would require some changes), but it would allow MFBT to just be
> used independently.

Truly I don't care about the naming, but I've always envisioned mfbt as being 
headers and some compiled-into-objects files both, i.e. as the union of what 
you consider mfbt, and the compiled-in bits of it.  Is there a good reason to 
have mozglue and what you consider mfbt to be two different things?  Why not 
have both as a single thing, and make the whole thing more easily embeddable if 

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