On 08/02/2013 08:09 PM, Brian Smith wrote:
> 2. It is reasonable to expect that std::whatever works as the C++ standard
> says it should. It isn't reasonable to expect mozilla::Whatever to work
> exactly like std::whatever. And, often, mozilla::Whatever isn't actually
> the same as std::whatever.

Why is this a problem?  People should never assume mozilla::* is the same as 
std::*, unless they verify in the documentation that it is.  Sometimes our 
documentation makes promises of compatibility (or approximate compatibility, or 
common-case compatibility).  Usually it doesn't.  Caveat lector.

Reading documentation, it seems to me, has to be a baseline requirement for all 
Mozilla contributors.  If a contributor isn't reading documentation about the 
classes/structures/algorithms he uses in the patches he writes, I'm scared.

(Which is not to say that doc-reading is always the solution, as sometimes our 
docs are incoherent, scattered, or non-existent.  But for this new stuff, the 
docs come with the code, and are a prerequisite to landing.  I think we've held 
that line pretty well.  So that's a legacy problem not relevant here.)

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