On 9/7/13 12:56 PM, Benoit Jacob wrote:
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=913847  moves NS_IsMainThread
to a new MainThreadUtils.h header that's cheaper to include, and in
particular is all what BindingUtils.h needs (there was a helpful comment
about that in BindingUtils.h).

Excellent. Note https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=909971 also: we can stop including MainThreadUtils.h in this header too, I think.

https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=913852  makes BindingUtils.h
not include <algorithm> just for one use of std::min.

This is good, but unfortunately <algorithm> leaks in all over the place anyway in DOM code.

The way it does that is that dom/Element.h has inline methods that need nsPresContext.h and Units.h. Either one will get you things like nsRect.h or nsCoord.h, both of which include <algorithm>. Oh, nsContentUtils.h includes Units.h too...

We should strongly consider moving the Element methods that need those includes out of line, I think; not sure what we can do about nsContentUtils.

If there is a BindingUtils.h tracking bug, they could block it.

There isn't one yet.


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