On 9/10/13 17:18, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On 10/9/13 12:01 PM, Gervase Markham wrote:
In the spirit of learning from this, what's next on the chopping block?

* XSLT (Chrome have already announced they will remove it:

Have they? I admit I haven't made it through every post in their discussion threads, but AFAICS, some people from Chrome have expressed an interest in removing it, but this suggestion generated considerable debate (including some definite opposition to the idea).

We'd need to do the same extension thing they're proposing or something;
this is used in the wild for sites that people care about.

It's used "in the wild" on the web, and I've also known it to be used locally as a convenient tool to present views of data files that happen to be maintained in XML format.

Moving it to an extension (so that it isn't available unless the user is aware of it and explicitly installs support) would seem like a negative step, though if usage is rare/specialized enough, perhaps it would be OK. But I think we should be very hesitant to entirely remove XSLT support from the platform.


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