You probably don't want to draw into the layer at all. So the main thread should have a canvas layer and the worker thread should draw into a CanvasClient (I think, the canvas layer will have a dummy canvas client too which doesn't do much). This is similar to how async video works where it is called the ImageBridge protocol. You should extend ImageBridge to work with canvas, I think. This would mean the main thread is not involved with rendering at all. Nical is the ImageBridge/async video expert and he can tell you more and correct my errors.


On 31/10/2013 5:28 p.m., Kyle Huey wrote:
One thing that's come up that we're not quite how to deal with for OMT<canvas> is how to modify GetCanvasLayer. Our problem here is that the context here lives on the worker thread, and presumably we need to construct the layer on the main thread, but creating that layer requires data that also lives on the worker thread.

We obviously can't block the main thread on a synchronous call to the worker, and we can't just lock around the values because that will break run to completion semantics on the worker (e.g. if the worker never yields, changes in the canvas size shouldn't take effect).

I think the right thing to do is probably to ship the values from the worker to the main thread asynchronously as they are updated on the worker (once the worker yields/etc) and create the layer using those values. How often do we create layers? It would be a shame if rendering straight from the worker to the compositor were blocked by the main thread due to layer creation.

Anything else we should be thinking about here?

- Kyle

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