Hi Alex,

I am a maintainer of the geckofx[1] project, which the organization I work for 
makes use of in a number of applications. As I understand it, the proposal to 
"Terminate xulrunner" is just about removing the xulrunner.exe and having 
firefox.exe assume that role. However given the mention of a "Firefox SDK" and 
although its not entirely clear to me what this will be I thought this would be 
a good opportunity to state our firefox requirements. (Apologies if this is not 
the sort of thing you are after)

* Being able to embed firefox in existing applications. 
  (Currently done via passing win32 or gtk window handles into 

* Being able to interact with firefox via C# 
  (Currently done via XPCOM and PInvoking exported dll methods - allows 
implementing IDL interfaces in C# and having firefox use them.)

* Being able to invoke arbitrary javascript from C#, including setting the 
'this' context
  (Currently done by pinvoking mozjs methods)

* Being able to respond to events and manipulate the DOM via C#.

Generally the embedding using XPCOM approach has worked very well, however a 
number of things made it harder to use Firefox in a non C++ application:

* Removal of the C ABI from mozjs. 
   (C++ ABI are harder to use from non C++ programming languages)

* Some IDL methods can only be called from C++ 
   (eg: in FF15 nsIThreadJSContextStack::SafeJSContext was changed from an 
attribute to be implemented as a 'virtual' method, which prevented it from 
being called via non C++ COM clients)

* WebIDL
   (At least I'm not aware of a way for non C++/JS languages to use WebIDL 
objects, in the way your can with IDL objects)

I'm mentioning these things in order to suggest a requirement that any "Firefox 
SDK" be easily usable in languages other than C++ and JS.

Tom Hindle
Software Developer, SIL

[1] http://bitbucket.org/geckofx/ - (GeckoFx is a C# library that allows 
embedding Firefox into a C# winforms application. - interaction with firefox is 
done mainly using the XPCom interfaces.)

On Thursday, February 6, 2014 12:08:45 AM UTC-7, ajvi...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi, everyone.  There's general consensus that we want to terminate XULRunner 
> as a project and replace it with a Firefox Platform SDK (name to be 
> determined). [1]  However, what precisely we want that SDK to do, and to 
> support, we haven't figured out yet.
> I recently submitted a bug and patch to copy the stub executable and 
> application bundling script (install_app.py) from XULRunner to Firefox.  Mike 
> Hommey (glandium) thinks that's a bad idea.  [2] His objection is that "that 
> just makes it stay outdated each time browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp is 
> changed, which is one of the many reasons we want to get rid of xulrunner."
> Okay, fine.  I'm all in favor of doing things the right way instead of the 
> fast, hacky way.  I'm also willing (and with my bosses' backing, somewhat 
> able) to put in the time necessary to implement the right way.  Getting 
> XULRunner into an actually-usable state took a lot of hacks anyway...  So we 
> have to figure out what we really want.
> What I propose is writing our Firefox Platform SDK requirements down.  [3]  
> I'll put a first draft together as soon as practical (probably this weekend 
> or next).  First, a "Where Do We Stand" section, expressing what we currently 
> have, what SDK and XULRunner customers currently try to do and demand from 
> the Platform SDK, and operating-system-specific issues we face.
> Second, a list of concise "What The Platform SDK Must Or Should Support" 
> sentences to clearly define our requirements.
> Third, a "Owners' Vote" section where a group of contributors vote yea or nay 
> on the second section as it stands on the date they last read it.  Specific 
> objections and commentary may be written afterward.  Also, constructive edits 
> anywhere in the document (in particular, clarifying requirements or adding 
> important requirements that I missed) are welcome.  The idea is to arrive at 
> a clear consensus on requirements.
> Finally, while I want to get this done and done right, I don't want to spend 
> an inordinate amount of time on getting the requirements done.  External 
> parties want a Firefox Platform SDK yesterday.  Firefox 30 development just 
> started on mozilla-central.  I'd like to have these requirements drafted and 
> finalized before Firefox 31 development starts.  That gives us six weeks from 
> now.  [4]  I think that's reasonable for a requirements document.
> As for delivery dates on the actual Firefox Platform SDK:  I don't know.  I 
> had hoped to put the pieces together before Firefox 31 entered the Aurora 
> channel, so that it could be part of the "extended service release" for the 
> 2014-2015 year.  Until we can clarify what we want, though, that's just a 
> dream.  We can't really estimate the work, and how long it'll take, until we 
> have the requirements hammered out.
> Again, folks:  I'm willing and able to put in the time to make this work.  
> Not just for my prototype XML editor project, either:  the company I work for 
> has a vested interest in XULRunner and in upgrading our platform.  This is 
> important, and shouldn't be rushed... but it should be done as promptly as is 
> practical.
> Alex Vincent
> software engineer, FileThis, Inc.
> author, Verbosio XML Editor prototype
> [1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.platform/o99wQZBjIJw
> [2] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=961936
> [3] https://etherpad.mozilla.org/s5jInveqm5
> [4] https://wiki.mozilla.org/RapidRelease/Calendar
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