On 2014-04-22, 9:24 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
I'm somewhat worried that we might break some Web pages for users who are
not fairly represented in our Telemetry data, and that we may not hear about
this before this change hits the release channel.

We have already stopped exposing these encodings to the Web. We
stopped recognizing the labels for these encodings in Firefox 19 for
the purpose of Web content being able to request the use these
encodings. However, we still kept around the possibility to manually
choose these encodings from the menu as an override.  We removed them
from the menus in Firefox 28.

Ah, sorry, I was misled by the title of your post and admittedly lack of complete attention to the first sentence and though that this is a Web platform removal intent, but it seems like it's not, therefore I withdraw my concerns.

At the time of Firefox 19, one person in Spain noticed that IBM850
(DOS Western European) went away. The affected page was a page
maintained by this person himself. At the time of Firefox 28, one
person noticed that IBM862 (DOS Hebrew) went away. These have been
isolated cases of people who knowingly use legacy encodings noticing
their own stuff breaking.  At the time of Firefox 28, another person
in Spain noticed that IBM850 went away. Unclear if that was a
self-maintained case or not.

That's reassuring!

DOS Hebrew has been even less interoperable than the other DOS
encodings, because browsers didn't agree on whether it was a visual or
logical encoding.

Hmm, I thought that everyone agrees that it's visual (as DOS lacked any support for bidirectional text), but that's off topic for this discussion. :-)

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