On 4/28/2014 7:44 PM, Zack Weinberg wrote:
> Based on all discussion to this point, I'm proposing this low-level API:
>    fileObject.setPermissions(options);
>    OS.File.setPermissions(path, options);

Thanks for this proposal, it looks like what we need. You'll probably
want to tweak the details of the "options" parameter to be consistent
with existing OS.File API calls that deal with permissions:


> I would like to get this done and baked as soon as possible so it can
> be uplifted to ESR31, so please let's stay focused this time.

I think that the fastest route would be to post an updated API proposal
to bug 1001849, limited only to the low-level API, and request needinfo
from David. When the API is defined, you'll need to ask for code review
and an additional super-review on a patch matching the API, as usual.

Anyone interested can join the discussion there:


You may want to file a separate bug for the high-level API, since it is
not essential to the feature you'd like to have ready for the ESR, and
tying it to the other bug might slow it down unnecessarily.

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