
>> [1] «WebGL 2 is backwards compatible with WebGL 1: existing content will
>> run in WebGL 2 without modification. To access the new behavior provided
>> in this specification, the content explicitly requests a new context»
> It seems I missed something.
> However, I cannot find where it justifies having a mode switch. If the
> API is backwards compatible, there should be no need for a mode
> switch. We've learned twice now that mode switches are a source of
> pain (quirks mode, "use strict"). It looks like we're about to learn
> it a third time, unless I'm missing even more.

I think Khronos made a bad experience with backwards compatible APIs
during OpenGL's history. They maintained a compatible API for OpenGL for
~15 years until it was huge and crufty. Mode switches are their solution
to the problem.

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