Would this be disabled in Private Browsing? If not that might be perceived as 
negating one of the reasons users have for using that particular feature.

On 16 May, 2014, at 05:29 AM, Tim Taubert <ttaub...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> *Link to Standard*
> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#hyperlink-auditing
> *Summary*
> Anchor tags can have a "ping" attribute that sends asynchronous pings
> after or while navigating to the target page for auditing purposes.
> *Motivation*
> Since bug 786347 landed our Hyperlink Auditing implementation follows
> the spec but is disabled by default. If a website wants to audit
> navigation to outgoing links (think Google, DuckDuckGo, Facebook, etc.)
> it nowadays has to either link to an internal page to record and then
> redirect to the target page or use sync XHRs. <a ping> allows to
> asynchronously (and with low prio) send one or multiple pings after or
> while we start loading the target page.
> *Bug to enable by default*
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=951104
> *Notes*
> The navigator.sendBeacon() API is a superset of <a ping>. <a ping>
> allows for lightweight navigation pings without having to use JavaScript.
> The number of pings per link is currently limited to 1
> (browser.send_pings.max_per_link). Chrome does not limit the number of
> pings, we should look into raising or disabling the limit.
> - Tim
> -- 
> Tim Taubert
> Engineering Manager, Firefox
> @ttaubert
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