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The placement of the line-continuation backslash in macros is wildly
inconsistent. Some put the backslash directly after the line:

  NS_IMETHODIMP_(bool) \
  NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASSNAME(_class)::CanSkipInCCReal(void *p) \
  { \
    _class *tmp = DowncastCCParticipant<_class >(p);

Others align the backslashes with that of the longest line:

  NS_IMETHODIMP_(bool)                                            \
  NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASSNAME(_class)::CanSkipInCCReal(void *p) \
  {                                                               \
    _class *tmp = DowncastCCParticipant<_class >(p);

And the rest put the backslashes at the 80th column:

#define NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_IN_CC_BEGIN(_class)                  \
  NS_IMETHODIMP_(bool)                                                         \
  NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASSNAME(_class)::CanSkipInCCReal(void *p)              \
  {                                                                            \
    _class *tmp = DowncastCCParticipant<_class >(p);

Of these options, I personally dislike the second style as it will
result in unnecessary churn whenever the longest line changes. Is
there a preferred style?
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