I haven't experienced crashes in some time, so I may have missed some
redesigns, but last time I did,  the crash experience looked as follows:

1. Something goes wrong in the code of Firefox;
2. Firefox dies;
3. Crash Reporter appears;
4. Eventually, if the user has clicked restart, Firefox restarts.

Point 3. strikes me as rubbing the nose of the user in the problem we
encountered, as well as possibly counter-productive if the crash takes
place during shutdown.

Could we redesign this as follows?

1. Something goes wrong in the code of Firefox;
2. Firefox dies;
3. Crash report is stored to disk, without any dialog;
4. If the crash happened during Firefox shutdown, do nothing, otherwise
restart Firefox to its previous state (obviously, we need some measure
to prevent this from looping);
5. Upon the next restart, display a bottom doorhanger on all windows
"Firefox or an add-on encountered a problem [a few seconds ago / on July
4rd, 2014] and recovered. If you wish, Firefox can report it
automatically so that we can fix the bug <report/not this time/always
report/never report>."

My apologies if this is part of the ongoing CrashManager work.

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

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