On 09.07.2014 01:41, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
> On 2014-07-08, 6:34 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
>> On Monday 2014-07-07 15:18 -0400, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
>>> That seems pretty bad.  I think we should at least stop supporting
>>> it for Web content.  David, what do you think?
>> I'm ok with restricting it to UA and user style sheets, although if
>> we're going to do that because of security risks I'd like to get a
>> good understanding of what those are and of what we do and don't
>> expect authors to do when sanitizing CSS from untrusted sources to
>> include in their Web content.
>> I think it might make more sense to continue discussion in the bug.
> Sounds great!


>> (I also think sending this out in the format of an
>> intent-to-implement message was confusing for an initial proposal to
>> do something that hadn't yet been discussed with any owners or peers
>> of the module.  I think the format is intended to say that a change
>> has already been accepted by owners/peers but requires wider
>> review.)
> Yes indeed.  Admittedly I was a bit confused.

I'm sorry, I thought the emails about this were to start the general
discussion. I really did not intend to imply peer acceptance - in fact I
meant to ask for it.

>>>> Summary:
>>>> Attackers can extract secret URL components (e.g. session IDs, oauth
>>>> tokens) using @-moz-document. Using the regexp support and assuming a
>>>> CSS injection (no XSS needed!), the attacker can probe the current URL
>>>> with some regular expressions and send the URL parameters to a third
>>>> party.
>>>> A demo of this exploit can be found at
>>>> <http://html5sec.org/cssession/>.
>>>> This attack has also been published in the academic paper "Scriptless
>>>> Attacks: Stealing the pie without touching the sill"[1] by Mario
>>>> Heiderich et al. and numerous other presentations on this topic [2,3].
>>>> My suggestion is to either kill -moz-document for public web content or
>>>> remove regexp support.
>>>> What do you think?
>>>> Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1035091
>>>> Spec: n/a. This was pushed out of CSS3 and did not make it to CSS4
>>>> selectors.
>>>> MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@document
>>>> Target release: ??
>>>> Platform coverage: desktop, android
>>>> [1] http://www.nds.rub.de/research/publications/scriptless-attacks/
>>>> [2] http://www.slideshare.net/x00mario/stealing-the-pie
>>>> [3] https://speakerdeck.com/mikewest/xss-no-the-other-s-cssconf-eu-2013
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