This is an official notice of intent to deploy the experiment in bug 1018200 to the beta channel.

The experiment is an A/B test to determine the optimal value of the dom.ipc.plugins.unloadTimeoutSecs on the FF32 beta. This setting determines primarily how long we wait to unload Flash and other plugins after a user isn't using it any more while browsing. Users in the experiment will be grouped into 8 equal groups whose timeouts will be set to various values: 0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 300 seconds.

The experiment parameters are:
MinVersion: 32.0
MaxVersion: 34.*
Start Date: 01-Jul-2014
End Date: 02-Sep-2014
Maximum runtime: 42.0 days
Update Channels: beta
Sample Rate: 5%
Low-priority experiment: this experiment is lower-priority than the translation experiment already scheduled for beta, so any users eligible for that experiment will participate in that one first. A reminder that the experiment system only runs one experiment at a time, so there is no chance of multiple experiments conflicting.

To analyze the results I intend after 2-3 weeks to correlate the experiment groups against the telemetry measurement for plugin launch time (bug 1011136). This will tell us both how often users are launching plugins, but also how long those plugin launches take. My intent is to pick a final value for this preference based on the data before we ship FF32 to release.

Chad, I'm looking for your approval to use 5% of the beta population for this experiment. Release-drivers, I am looking for your approval to enable this experiment as soon as Kamil completes QA verification on staging. gps, I would like you to take care of getting this experiment deployed to production when everything is ready and monitoring the deployment, since I will be on vacation.

I want to thank Qeole, a contributor who implemented the correct timeout setting, the telemetry probe, and this experiment all himself. He/she has done this thoughtfully and well.


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