Currently, we have navigator.getDeviceStorage and navigator.getDeviceStorages 

We're looking to expand device storage to add support for more virtual storage 
areas, like DropBox, or GoogleDrive, etc. 
See bug 1035053 

I was going to propose that we add navigator.deviceStorage (or possibly 
navigator.mozDeviceStorage) and have at least the following methods: 


We need some new notifications, one to report when the default volume has 
changed (on B2G it is controlled by a setting which then gets reflected into a 
preference), one to report when a new storage area (like DropBox) is added, and 
one to report when it goes away. Presumably we'd also need additional APIs to 
actually add/remove storage areas. 

deviceStorage.getAll would return exactly what navigator.getDeviceStorages 
returns today, and deviceStorage.getDefault would return exactly what 
navigator.getDevicetorages returns today. 

I think that we probably need to leave getDeviceStorage and getDeviceStorages 
both around for the time being in order to maintain backwards capability. 

So I guess I'd like to determine if the approach I've outlined is reasonable, 
and I'd like to get an opinion on whether we should use deviceStorage or 


Dave Hylands 
dev-platform mailing list

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