
When the ESR branch was initially created it was done so in a manner of 
intentional impermanence,  the thinking being that consumers of this channel 
would eventually establish a way to switch over onto our 6 week rapid release 
mainline builds.  With last week’s ESR31 we are pushing the limits of the 
original timeframe and it’s time to make a call on how to proceed with this 
population of users with an intent of creating permanence.  

In its present state, a strong community has built up around this channel and 
pacing of major version bumps.  The enterprise mailing list is active but not 
high-volume. There are two community contributors who took on the work of 
administrating the mailing list and they provide support as well on how to 
customize deployments.  Since this branch/channel was created with the 
intention of killing it off down the road, we do not do any external marketing 
of the ESR.  The user base can be generally distributed into three buckets: 
large organizations with over 100K instances, 2-10K organizations, and then 
ones under 1K. There are over 5500 members on the mailing list, and in order to 
get details about use a query was sent to the list in order to collect 
information on the value of continue providing this channel. About 80 responses 
were received in 2 weeks.


* we have a strong, self-supporting community
* building and maintaining ESR has become a smooth process which uses very few 
resources (one channel, minimal builds on checkins, single QA sign off every 6 
* Chrome is now providing enterprise support 
* there are at least 2M users on this channel and we estimate there to be more 
if we factor in Linux distributions

The approach going forward is to:

* continue providing ESR builds as a permanent channel dedicated to the 
criteria we laid out in its creation
* plan a marketing push around the existence of ESR (update docs, revamp the 
org web page, promote the channel externally)
* commit to iterating on the processes built around of this channel and explore 
potential improvements to pacing, packaging, and other customizations
* make a project of getting FHR/Telemetry data from these deployments where 
permitted so that we have information on long-term usage that could be missing 
from mainline

For that last point, many of the respondents to the questions I raised on the 
list said they already could do, or would look into doing, Telemetry/FHR 
reports if they had more visibility into what the data collected was and also 
some expressed interest in having access to that collected data.  Data from 
long term support build users might unlock stability and security information 
that we do not currently discover in our rapid releases.

There is value to this channel both in loyalty of users, reaching people at 
work where they likely spend more of their online time, and maintaining a share 
of desktop browser usage.  Let’s take this already strong community, and look 
at how we can grow it for the benefit of the users and our products.


dev-platform mailing list

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