On 2014-08-13, 12:21 PM, Edwin Wong wrote:
Hi dev-platform,

TL;DR - Cloud Services and Quality Engineering would like to propose the creation of 
a directory named “external" in gecko and gaia repos for externally dependent 

This enables features married to Cloud Services such as Loop, FindMyDevice, 
FirefoxAccounts, and Sync to have centralized tests that can be run locally or on 
other continuous integration systems. These tests would live in this "external” 
directory along side existing tests (so they live together). These will be run and 
sheriffed independently from the main tests.  Reviews would be governed by modules 
and feature teams.

More detail:

I second what Gregory said. There is no reason why this should need a new top level dir. If you disagree, please put it under testing/. :-)


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