On 09/23/2014 02:56 PM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
> FWIW, I also emailed www-style to sanity-check my understanding & to see
> if there are any other reasons for this behavior-difference:
>  http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2014Sep/0340.html

Turns out there wasn't a strong reason for the difference; Tab's now
updated the ED to remove the requirement that we match "auto" when

This makes the implementation considerably simpler, which is great.  It
also means that "pixelated" will essentially just be a
more-interoperable version of "-moz-crisp-edges", for the time being.

(Down the line, we might want to change "crisp-edges" to use a different
scaling algorithm, and then they wouldn't be aliases anymore. The spec
allows us flexibility in choice of algorithm for "crisp-edges" [and
there are other edge-preserving algorithms like hqx that could be
better].  "pixelated" is required to stick with nearest-neighbor, though.)
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