On 2014-10-03 4:37 AM, Jonathan Kew wrote:
it seems we fetch fonts using

   Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8

which doesn't look even remotely sensible.

Agree, but note that there are no official MIME types for most font formats. (I *think* application/font-woff did get registered for WOFF1.) Lots of people have just made up MIME types, including e.g. application/x-ttf, application/ttf, font/ttf (inventing a whole category!) and so on. I'm not aware of any significant changes in this area since I wrote https://www.owlfolio.org/htmletc/strawman-mime-type-for-fonts/ back in 2011.

As described in that post, I continue to think that
"Accept: application/font" plus client-side selection of URL based on format() is the Right Thing.

I just filed bug 1077312. However, I don't think this needs to actually
block the implementation of WOFF2 support.

Also agree here.

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