Well, for one thing, never perform I/O on the main thread. It really
kills performance, as you witness. No amount of batching is going to be

Also, why don't you use our stream classes?


On 24/10/14 14:36, Josip Maras wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm extending the Firefox source in order to log some information during web 
> app execution, for example event, script executions, new element creations, 
> removals, attribute modifications, etc. Since these things occur often, when 
> I load a more demanding application (e.g. facebook), everything hangs for a 
> while, because there is a large number of relatively small pieces of 
> information being written to a file. 
> Because of this, i was thinking of doing it in batches, having one global 
> extern stream variable where all longs are added to, and when enough 
> information gets accumulated to write it to a file, and avoid these hangings.
> Since I'm a noob C++ "programmer" I will paste some code of what i've done, 
> just in case:
> I have one header file with the extern variable:
> -- FC_ExternStreamDeclaration.h --
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <sstream>
> #include <fstream>
> extern std::stringstream FC_LOG_STREAM;
> and one header with the logging functionality
> -- FC_Log.h --
> #pragma once
> #ifndef FC_LOG_H
> #define FC_LOG_H
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <sstream>
> #include <fstream>
> #include "FC_ExternStreamDeclaration.h"
> inline void WriteToStream(const char** fragments, int length)
> {     
>   //add to stream
>   //if stream big enough write to file
> }
> #endif //FC_LOG_H
> and in nsBrowserApp.cpp where the main function is defined, i define the 
> variable and include the headers
> ----- nsBrowserApp.cpp ---
> #include "FC_ExternStreamDeclaration.h"
> #include "FC_Log.h"
> std::stringstream FC_LOG_STREAM;
> And then, in each file from which i do logging, i include the header files 
> and call the WriteToStream function. For example, I'm doing it from 
> Interpreter.cpp, Eval.cpp, nsINode.h, etc. (all over the code).
> And i thought that this will be enough. However, i get: error LNK2001 
> unresolved external symbol stringstream FC_LOG_STREAM. If i define it there, 
> the compilation succeeds, but I effectively get two different streams, one 
> for the JavaScript execution, and the other for the DOM and the rest of the 
> browser.
> I'm thinking this happens because these variables are in different dlls. 
> I would be grateful for any tips about fixing it. 
> Sorry for the long question.
> Thank you, 
> Josip 
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David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

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