On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 7:56 PM, Adam Roach <a...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> The whole line of argumentation that web browsers and servers should be
> taking advantage of opportunistic encryption is explicitly informed by
> what's actually "happening elsewhere." Because what's *actually* happening
> is an overly-broad dragnet of personal information by a wide variety of both
> private and governmental agencies -- activities that would be prohibitively
> expensive in the face of opportunistic encryption.

ISPs are doing it already it turns out. Governments getting to ISPs
has already happened. I think continuing to support opportunistic
encryption in Firefox and the IETF is harmful to our mission.

> Google's laser focus on preventing active attackers to the exclusion of any
> solution that thwarts passive attacks is a prime example of insisting on a
> perfect solution, resulting instead in substantial deployments of nothing.
> They're naïvely hoping that finding just the right carrot will somehow
> result in mass adoption of an approach  that people have demonstrated, with
> fourteen years of experience, significant reluctance to deploy universally.

Where are you getting your data from?

https://plus.google.com/+IlyaGrigorik/posts/7VSuQ66qA3C shows a very
different view of what's happening.

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