On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 6:27 PM, Robert O'Callahan <rob...@ocallahan.org> wrote:
> Should UIWorkers have access to the full Worker API? It seems like there's
> no reason not to give them that.

There's two use-cases that I think argues against that.

First off I'd like to enable saving a webpage for later viewing. Right
now the best we can do is to save a pdf which means that all
scrollable areas are lost.

Saving a full page with all scripts is rarely going to work result in
the user seeing the page they did when saving the page.

What I'd like to be able to do is serialize the DOM, strip all script,
save all linked stylesheets, images and media and change the
references to them to use the correct relative URLs.

However this would require also saving the UIWorker and enabling it to
run in a reliable way. Otherwise the saved page won't have a working

Second, when printing, I'd like to enable the user to change page
layout and margins and have that reflow the page and generate a
correct layout. This means that we need to enable the UIWorker to work
on the cloned document in a reliable way.

I think both these usecases would work much better if we ensured that
the UIWorker couldn't "interact with the outside world".

/ Jonas
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