Hooray! Thank you.


On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Birunthan Mohanathas
<birunt...@mohanathas.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> If your commit modifies an IDL interface (think `[...] interface Foo
> {};`), you will now have to either
> 1) Bump the corresponding interface UUID.
>     Use e.g. `./mach update-uuids nsISomething` to bump the UUID of
>     nsISomething and all its descendant interfaces.
> or
> 2) Include 'IGNORE IDL' in the commit message.
>     Use this only if your changes don't affect IDL binary or source
>     compatibility[0].
> Your push will otherwise be rejected. Note that changes to comments
> and changes outside interface blocks are ignored and don't require any
> action.
> Also keep in mind that whenever you change an interface UUID, you also
> need to change the UUIDs of all descendant interfaces. This is not
> enforced by the hook so be sure to always use `./mach update-uuids`
> instead of manually changing UUIDs.
> The hook has been deployed on the following repos:
> mozilla-central
> integration/b2g-inbound
> integration/fx-team
> integration/mozilla-inbound
> releases/mozilla-aurora
> releases/mozilla-beta
> releases/mozilla-release
> releases/mozilla-esr31
> See bug 1128518 for details.
> Cheers,
> Biru
> [0]: 
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/XPIDL#Source_and_Binary_Compatibility
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