On 01/16/2015 04:31 AM, L. David Baron wrote:
On Tuesday 2015-01-06 15:14 -0800, L. David Baron wrote:
W3C recently published the following proposed recommendation (the
stage before W3C's final stage, Recommendation):

   Pointer Events

There's a call for review to W3C member companies (of which Mozilla
is one) open until January 16.

If there are comments you think Mozilla should send as part of the
review, or if you think Mozilla should voice support or opposition
to the specification, please say so in this thread.  (I'd note,
however, that there have been many previous opportunities to make
comments, so it's somewhat bad form to bring up fundamental issues
for the first time at this stage.)

While it's not quite clear what's going to happen to this spec in
the long term given that there's some opposition to the events part
(although not 'touch-action') from Google (related to whether the
API requires certain touch operations to communicate with the main
thread when they don't want it to; a problem other implementors
including us don't seem to have), given that it seems like a better
(than Touch Events) API for developers and we've been involved in
its development, I voted in support.

Note, Google has changed their mind, and are implementing Pointer Events API.
The spec will get some tweaks, sure, but in general folks from MS, Mozilla and 
agree on the API.



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