On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 6:33 PM, Adam Roach <a...@mozilla.com> wrote:

>  You have made some well-thought-out contributions to conversations at
> Mozilla in the past. I'm a little sad that you're choosing not to
> participate in a useful way here.

I think this is a pretty relevant contribution. Obviously it's not the kind
of story you want to hear. It's also not the story I want to hear. But we
can't pick and choose what we will get. And that's what you'll get:

I have polled a client of mine which has a small web property that contains
a WebGL widget which does include a fullscreen button.

Here is what I wrote that client:

I'd like to inform you that it's likely that the fullscreen button will
> break in google chrome and firefox in the forseeable future (mid
> 2015-2016). For security reasons browsers want to disable fullscreen if you
> are not serving the website over HTTPS.
> Starting mid 2015 a new SSL Certificate Authority will offer free
> certificates (https://letsencrypt.org/)
> Do you think you could host your site over HTTPS to prevent the fullscreen
> button breaking? If required, I could also remove the fullscreen button.

The clients response below:

I appreciate the heads up.
> Redesigning our site to use HTTPS is probably possible but I currently do
> not have time and resources to undertake that task.
> Would it be possible to let me know when you get the information that the
> first production Chrome or Firefox is released?  At that time I can
> certainly disable the fullscreen function myself as this is real easy to do
> in your .js file.

So yeah, again, Congrats.
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