Bugzilla has defaulted to marking new bugs as status-firefoxXX: affected.
I'm not sure when it started but this is why.

Hope that helps,

On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Philip Chee <philip.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why are these SeaMonkey bugs flagged status-firefox41: affected
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?f1=cf_status_firefox41&list_id=12290852&o1=anyexact&query_format=advanced&f2=OP&v1=affected&product=SeaMonkey
> Why are these SeaMonkey bugs flagged status-firefox40: affected
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?f1=cf_status_firefox40&list_id=12290852&o1=anyexact&query_format=advanced&f2=OP&v1=affected&product=SeaMonkey
> Thunderbird:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?j_top=OR&list_id=12290869&o1=equals&v1=affected&f1=cf_status_firefox40&o3=equals&v3=affected&query_format=advanced&f3=cf_status_firefox40&f2=OP&product=MailNews
> Core&product=Thunderbird
> History doesn't show anyone manually marking these bugs
> status-firefox40/status-firefox41
> Some filter rule going bonkers?
> Phil
> --
> Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
> http://flashblock.mozdev.org/ http://xsidebar.mozdev.org
> Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
> oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
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