On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 1:35 PM, Kyle Huey <m...@kylehuey.com> wrote:
>>   auto len = aArray.Length();
>>   auto display = GetStyleDisplay()->mDisplay;
>> It can save having to look up whether aArray.Length() returns size_t
>> (I sure hope it does, though) or whether mDisplay is uint8_t or
>> uint16_t.

I have no sympathy for this.  If you had a decent IDE, the IDE could
do that lookup for you, but don't force the reader/reviewer of your
code to do that.  Code is read many more times than it is written.

> It also makes a lot of sense in situations where the type name is noise.
> e.g.
> auto foo = reinterpret_cast<ReallyLongTypeName*>(bar)
> auto it = map.find(stuff)

This, on the other hand is a good reason.  The first has the type name
right there.  The second has a type name that is clear from the type
of the collection (and a really noisy name at that).
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