On 06/09/2015 05:17 PM, Neil Deakin wrote:
In bug 1162050, we'd like to remove support for the old non-standard drag 
events, which were left in for a period of compatibility.

yes please. Anything we can do to simplify dnd code is good.


The 'draggesture' event should be replaced with the 'dragstart' event (such as 
The 'dragdrop' event should be replaced with the 'drop' event.

If you use these events, they are fired in the same manner as the standard 
events, so it should be a simple matter of searching and replacing the
event names.

The non-standard dragexit event will remain as is, as it has no exact standard 

Firefox does not use these events in its code. I filed bug 1171979 for fixing 
this in Thunderbird and bug 1171980 for fixing this in Seamonkey.
If you use these events anywhere or you are the author of an add-on that uses 
these events, you will need to update your code as described above.

The standard drag and drop API is described at:


In addition, we would like to remove the long-deprecated nsDragAndDrop.js 
script located in toolkit/content in favour of the standard drag and drop
API, described at the links above. To ease the transition, if necessary, you 
may wish to include this script (
) directly in your project.

Please respond if there are any concerns.

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