What is the context where the scripts would run? In the page or something more 
like a TabChildGlobal (the child side of a message manager)
but without chrome privileges?

On 06/16/2015 06:24 PM, Paul Rouget wrote:
In bug 1174733, I'm proposing a patch to implement the equivalent of
Google's webview.executeScript:


This will be useful to any consumer of the Browser API to access and
manipulate the content.

For some context: the browser.html project needs access to the DOM to
build some sort of tab previews (not a screenshot, something based on
colors, headers and images from the page), and we don't feel like
adding more and more methods to the Browser API to collect all the
information we need. It's just easier to be able to inject a script
and tune the preview algorithm in the system app instead of changing
the API all the time we need a new thing. It also doesn't sound like a
terrible thing to do as other vendors do a similar thing (Android's
executeScript, iOS's stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString, and IE's

The API is pretty straight forward:

let foo = 42;
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
   setTimeout(() => resolve({foo: ${foo + 1}}), 2000);
`).then(rv => {
}, error => {

Any reason to not do that?
Any security concerns?
Or is there a better way to do that (like a worker)?

-- Paul

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