2015-06-25 7:26 GMT+08:00 Nicholas Alexander <nalexan...@mozilla.com>:
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 5:53 AM, Yonggang Luo <luoyongg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 在 2015年6月24日星期三 UTC+8下午7:38:01,Philipp Kewisch写道:
>> > On 6/24/15 1:10 PM, Yonggang Luo wrote:
>> > > For example.
>> > > custom-protocol://some-uri-path/test.html
>> > >
>> > > I want the test.html works like
>> > >
>> > > http://some-web-site/test.html
>> > > That I can navigate in the html page.
>> > >
>> > Check out nsIProtocolHandler
>> >
>> > Here is an implementation that directly forwards to http(s):
>> >
>> >
>> > http://mxr.mozilla.org/comm-central/source/calendar/base/src/calProtocolHandler.js
>> >
>> > Philipp
>> This is forwards to https, but I am forwards to resource://
>> That's really different.
> I'm quite sure I already told you about this, but
> https://github.com/ncalexan/fennec-bootstrapper includes a bootstrapper://
> protocol which does something quite similar: it handles bootstrapper://URI
> like URI.  It does some things around privileges that I found necessary to
> load http (and resource, I think) schemes in a privileged context.
Yes, I've already done that, but resource is totally different from
http when I running

To getting resource act like http, we need do preferences work to
getting the bootstrap URI can load internally

pref("network.protocol-handler.expose.bootstrap", true);

> Nick

Yonggang Luo
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