On 1/7/15 13:06, Sebastian Zartner wrote:
CSS Logical Properties Level 1 doesn't even in WD status yet. Therefore
I assume everything in there can still change fundamentally.
So are you sure logical properties should be shipped already? Could the
writing mode features perhaps be shipped independently from the logical

The writing-mode features are much less useful/usable without the support of logical properties. E.g. the default HTML and UA stylesheets require the use of logical properties to get reasonable rendering behavior in vertical writing modes for many elements. Author stylesheets and libraries that want to be usable with both horizontal and vertical modes will similarly need to use the logical properties.

(Note that Blink, for example, has been shipping prefixed logical properties along with its prefixed writing-mode implementation for some time. I don't think shipping one without the other is really workable; and given that prefixing is now out of fashion, and that the WG seems to be happy with the properties in the current ED, I think it's appropriate for us to move forward. I'd expect the browsers that are currently shipping prefixed versions based on older naming ideas will migrate to the currently-specified names when they unprefix their implementations.)


This is not valuing the status of the implementation, just a note about
the status of the logical properties spec.


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