Dear all,

As you may know, we now have Performance Monitoring, an instrumentation
used to detect jank and assign blame to a piece of code, typically an
add-on (it also works for webpages and the platform itself, although
this is not the primary goal of Performance Monitoring at this stage).
This is the core of about:performance, of the Slow Add-on Notification
and the Slow Add-on Telemetry reporting.

Currently, Performance Monitoring currently measures two things:
*continuous CPU time* consumed by JS code, and *wallclock time* for CPOW
(blocking IPC). I'm unhappy about the latter, and I would appreciate
suggestions on how we could better measure something meaningful.

A few things that I'd like to avoid:

* Wallclock time: Risks reporting add-ons as slow when in fact the
system is either loaded, swapping or hibernating.

* Raw CPU time: Doesn't increase at all during a CPOW.

Any suggestion?


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

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