The last update was in late July:!topic/

While we have no new tests, I would like to highlight a few changes:
* talos now lives in mozilla-central: testing/talos/.  Thanks to :parkouss our 
fearless contributor who tackled this large project.
* e10s talos is now run on all pushes
* you can now run e10s talos from try and select it logically from
* A lot of updates are on the talos wiki: (and more upcoming)
* Perfherder compare view doesn't show osx 10.10.  We are starting to look into 
why that platform is an expensive random number generator in bug 1191019
* dromaeo_dom is turned off everywhere (but not for long)

Upcoming work:
* continue to edit the wiki:
* investigate noisy tests in bug 1201230 and osx specific in bug 1191019
* turn dromaeo_dom on for linux in bug 1191952
* use a python webserver instead of apache for production talos: bug 1195288
* look into making |mach talos| friendlier now that we have talos in tree
* alerts generated inside of perfherder (currently planned to be in parallel to 
graph server)
* take advantage of other shared code now that we live in tree
* start scheduling Android talos tests on Autophone (different system and 
reporting as Tier 2 or 3 in treeherder- i.e. not default view)

A lot of big hurdles are behind us but there are many more big steps to take.  
A previous topic was discussing the 48 hour backout policy- A lot of work has 
been done to validate the data, we are still double checking things and will 
post before making it 100% live.

As always, feedback is welcome!

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