Hearing no objections, let's consider this the plan of record.


On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Richard Barnes <rbar...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> For a while now, we have been progressively disabling the known-insecure
> RC4 cipher [0].  The security team has been discussing with other the
> browser vendors when to turn off RC4 entirely, and there seems to be
> agreement to take that action in late January / early February 2016,
> following the release schedules of the various browsers.  For Firefox, that
> means version 44, currently scheduled for release on Jan 26.
> More details below.
> # Current status
> Since Firefox 37, RC4 has been partly disabled in Firefox.  It still works
> in Beta and Release, but in Nightly and Aurora, it is allowed only for a
> static whitelist of hosts [1][2].  Note that the whitelist is not
> systematic; it was mainly built from compatibility bugs.
> RC4 support is controlled by three preferences:
> * security.tls.unrestricted_rc4_fallback - Allows use of RC4 with no
> restrictions
> * security.tls.insecure_fallback_hosts.use_static_list - Allow RC4 for
> hosts on the static whitelist
> * security.tls.insecure_fallback_hosts - A list of hosts for which RC4 is
> allowed (empty by default)
> # Proposal
> The proposed plan is to gradually reduce RC4 support by making the default
> values of these preferences more restrictive:
> * 42/ASAP: Disable whitelist in Nightly/Aurora; no change in Beta/Release
> * 43: Disable unrestricted fallback in Beta/Release (thus allowing RC4
> only for whitelisted hosts)
> * 44: Disable all RC4 prefs by default, in all releases
> That is, as of Firefox 44, RC4 will be entirely disabled unless a user
> explicitly enables it through one of the prefs.
> # Compatibility impact
> Disabling RC4 will mean that Firefox will no longer connect to servers
> that require RC4.  The data we have indicate that while there are still a
> small number of such servers, Firefox users encounter them at very low
> rates.
> Telemetry indicates that in the Beta and Release populations, which have
> no restrictions on RC4 usage, RC4 is used for around 0.08% for Release and
> around 0.05%  for Beta [3][4].  For Nightly and Aurora, which are
> restricted to the whitelist, the figure is more like 0.025% [5].  These
> numbers are small enough that the histogram viewer on
> telemetry.mozilla.org won't show them (that's why the below references
> are to my own telemetry timeline tool, rather than telemetry.mozilla.org).
> That said, there is a small but measurable population of servers out there
> that require RC4.  Scans by Mozilla QA team find that with current Aurora
> (whitelist enabled), around 0.41% of their test set require RC4, 820 sites
> out of 211k.  Disabling the whitelist only results in a further 26 sites
> broken, totaling 0.4% of sites.  I have heard some rumors about there being
> a higher prevalence of RC4 among enterprise sites, but have no data to
> support this.
> Users can still enable RC4 in any case by changing the above prefs, either
> by turning on RC4 in general or by  adding specific hosts to the
> "insecure_fallback_hosts" whitelist.  The security and UX teams are
> discussing possibilities for UI that would automate whitelisting of sites
> for users.
> [0] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7465
> [1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1128227
> [2]
> https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/security/manager/ssl/IntolerantFallbackList.inc
> [3]
> https://ipv.sx/telemetry/general-v2.html?channels=release&measure=SSL_SYMMETRIC_CIPHER_FULL&target=1
> [4]
> https://ipv.sx/telemetry/general-v2.html?channels=beta&measure=SSL_SYMMETRIC_CIPHER_FULL&target=1
> [5]
> https://ipv.sx/telemetry/general-v2.html?channels=nightly%20aurora&measure=SSL_SYMMETRIC_CIPHER_FULL&target=1
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